Tuesday, April 5, 2011

March 30

I'm trying to reconstruct the past few days. While camping in the outback, needless to say, there was no Internet connection. I made some basic notes to jog my memory.

Although my tour was ten days consecutive, it was comprised of 3 short tours with different campers as well as drivers/guides. Our tour guide, Juno, age 24 from Alics Springs, drove us from Darwin to Alice Springs. This part involved lots of sitting on the bus, but Juno made it pass quickly with music and games. He got everyone to participate and we all enjoyed ourselves and got to know one another. He was also a fun character: bushy hair, wore different socks, had a great chuckle, and smoked at each toilet stop! He told us of the 1998 flood where stores were flooded 18 meters high and crocs would "have a munch" in the meat department. Along the way we had a water buffalo run across the road!

We had lunch at our campsite and then had a cruise to number one gorge (there were many) at Katherine Gorge. There we walked along the rocks to view 20,000 year old rock art high up on the rocks. Later we hiked along a pretty rough rock path to the Southern Rock Hole. Didn't swim here but enjoyed the view.